Johan B. Mjønes/Åshild Irgrens : THE LUKAS SERIES 1-5

Cover of Mjønes/Irgens: Sleep Tight, Lukas

Published by Aschehoug 2016-2020

Lukas is a small, boy, with a kind and curious heart. Through his perspective he sees the everyday events – little things that can be big and dramatic to a four year-old. The charming tales of Lukas´ world fill readers with wonder and questions. It’s easy to grow fond of Lukas – and once you get to know him, you might even want him as a friend!

Complete English versions are available for all titles. Translation rights sold to Denmark, Ukraine.

32 pages. Format 22 × 23 cm.

Sleep Tight, Lukas/Sov godt, Lukas (1)

Lukas finds it hard to sleep. And it doesn’t get any better when the grown-ups try to help. Everybody in the house tries to get Lukas to sleep, even Oscar the dog. Everybody ends up falling asleep themselves instead. Finally Lukas finds his own ways.


Cover of Mjønes/Irgens: What Are You Doing, Lukas?

What are you doing, Lukas?/Hva gjør du, Lukas? (2)

Little Lukas has no one to play with. He putters around on his own. When he starts to play and build a hut, one by one of the other children wants to join him. The story develops and in the end all the children have joined in on the project. There is a room  for everyone in Lukas’ hut.

Cover of Mjønes/Irgens: Lukas and the Sparrow

Lukas and the Sparrow/Lukas og spurven (3)

A big sparrow drama for Lukas. Luckily with a happy ending. A sparrow flies into a windowpane and lies lifeless on the ground. Is it dead? Lukas carries the bird inside the house, and the grown-ups come to help. Their curious cat approaches, creating a dramatic moment. In the end everything works fine – the sparrow is not dead and can fly away.

Cover of "Lukas and Kim"

Lukas and Kim/Lukas og Kim (4)

Lukas’ new neighbour plays in the garden. It looks fun! Lukas wants to get to know her. But how? He builds a castle in the snow, but the girl doesn’t come over to him. He slides on a sledge, but the girl doesn’t come over to him. And then it starts to snow. A lot. The snow transforms the garden into a scary forest. And there is something in the forest…

Illustration from "Lukas and Kim"


Lukas gets a surprise/Lukas får en overraskelse (5)

Lukas gets a shock when his cat suddenly vanishes without a trace
Lukas’ cat always comes to greet him when he gets home from nursery. But one day, he doesn’t. All of a sudden, he’s nowhere to be seen. Where has Mr Pussycat hidden himself? Lukas looks all over the house, inside and out, but doesn’t find a trace of that cat. Mummy hasn’t seen him, nor have Daddy, Granny and Grandpa. Lukas’ neighbor and friend, Kim, helps out with the hunt. Together, they find something unexpected in Lukas’ bedroom. Whatever happened to Mr Pussycat?

This exciting and charming book about Lukas and Kim is the fifth book in the critically acclaimed series about Lukas.

Author Johan B. Mjønes and illustrator Åshild Irgens

Johan B. Mjønes (b. 1976) writes books for children, YA and adults. He has a degree in comparative literature. His professional background also include photographing and lecturing at Aschehoug’s Scholl of Writing.
Åshild Irgens (b. 1976) is a popular illustrator and designer. She has a degree from Oslo National Academy of the Arts.