Psykopat-testen: Se faresignalene og kom deg unna!
Published by Kagge Forlag, 2019
Psychopaths are everywhere. You might find one amongst your closest family members, your friend group or even in the workplace. Although they might all act in different ways, psychopaths will always have one thing in common: you can never trust them. They play by their own rules, and have little, if any, empathy with those affected. Many of those caught in a psychopath’s web require several years to return to their normal lives.
So what makes a psychopath different from us? What mental manipulation techniques do they use? The psychologist Engen Nilsen has written this simple but effective psychopath test to enable you to expose a psychopath’s tactics and spot the danger signs. The test provides a run-down in the characteristics of psychopaths, as well as outlining the psychological mechanisms a psychopath could take advantage of. The author uses his vast, real-life experiences from his work with patients to offer some advice for those who need to confirm their suspicions.
Translation rights sold to USA (World English), Denmark and Poland.
Dag Øyvind Engen Nilsen (b. 1970) is a qualified psychologist from the University of Oslo, specialising in short-term psychodynamic therapy. Since 2007, Engen Nilsen has worked as a therapist and counsellor. He is a lecturer in psychological test methods. Engen Nilsen has worked previously as the technical editor for the leading Norwegian website about psychopaths and narcissists, He has written several books about test methods.